Operation Dudula Movement leader Nhlanhla Lux arrested, spends night behind bars

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The filthy rich leader of the vigilante group Operation Dudula, Nhlanhla ‘Lux’ Dlamini has been arrested.

Dlamini was arrested on Thursday afternoon. While police were yet to confirm his arrest, a source said Dlamini’s detention emanated from charges laid against him at the Dobsonville police station on Wednesday.

Operation Dudula deputy chairperson Dan Radebe said Dlamini was arrested shortly after he came out of the Kaya FM studios in Parktown, where he had had an interview.

“He was informed that it had to do with the Dobsonville case,” Radebe said.  “It was a smooth arrest because he did not resist.”

At 8.30pm, Radebe said he was at the Johannesburg central police station where Dlamini was being detained.

“We are still trying to find the facts but in all likelihood he will appear in the Roodepoort magistrate’s court [on Friday],” said Radebe.

Nhlanhla Lux has spent the night behind bars following his arrest and his lawyer Ike Khumalo said his client was handcuffed on Thursday as he walked off the set of an interview.

The case against Dlamini and Operation Dudula members had been opened by Soweto resident Victor Ramerafe, whose home was allegedly ransacked by Operation Dudula members on Sunday.

The group claimed to be acting on tip-offs from the community that drugs were being sold from Ramerafe’s home.

No drugs were found during the raid but Ramerafe  said his property was damaged.

The EFF had backed Ramerafe in laying  assault and theft charges against Dlamini.

Operation Dudula and other Dudula groupings have in recent weeks been in the spotlight over their campaigns which are mainly aimed at evicting illegal immigrants and removing them from informal trading spaces. The vigilante group accuses foreigners of leaving their own countries to come and get jobs in South Africa at the expense of unemployed local youths.

Nhlanha Lux, who rose to prominence as a part of the Soweto Parliament first rose to prominence when they defended shopping malls in Soweto during the July looting riots last year following the arrest of former president Jacob Zuma.

More recently, Lux, under the banner of the Dudula Movement, have been targeting shops owned predominantly by undocumented foreigners and ridding the streets of drugs.

The EFF and the Dudula squared off in Soweto earlier this week following the attack on 59-year-old Soweto resident Victor Ramerafe.

The EFF viewed the attack on Ramerafe as an attempt to provoke the EFF, as he was apparently an EFF member.

Operation Dudula members on Sunday had allegedly raided his house and demanded that he bring out drugs on the premises.

“They did not have a search warrant, they searched and left my house in a messy condition, I have lost my R300 and a small Nokia cellphone. I do not sell drugs,” said Ramerafe earlier this week.

Earlier this week, there was a stand off between EFF members and members of Operation Dudula outside Dobsonville Police Station on Wednesday morning.

scores of EFF members and supporters including top leaders accompanied pensioner Ramerafe, who was set to open a case against Operation Dudula leader Lux for allegedly breaking into his home, as well as intimidation and assault.

The EFF demanded that Lux be arrested within seven days.

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