Professional CV writing & Linkedin Profile Optimization service in Zimbabwe

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Professional CV writing & Linkedin Profile Optimization service in Zimbabwe

You are searching for jobs in Zimbabwe and you have applied for countless vacancies but you are struggling to stand out from the competition. You do your best to apply for jobs you believe the job requirements match your skills, qualifications and experience, but you never get shortlisted or contacted by recruiters or hiring managers.

Do you know why that is the case? It’s because your CV is probably being rejected by computer systems employers and Human Resources Managers use to screen CVs. It’s also because your cover letter or your resume/CV or both the Cover Letter and the CV are not professionally written and are therefore failing to convince the hiring managers that you are the best fit for the job. It also could mean that your Linkedin Profile is not Optimized, therefore recruiters are not convinced after visiting your Linkedin profile that you are the best candidate for the available vacancy.

Above all, it’s most likely that your CV has a poor presentation and what the recruiter must see as soon as they open your CV is hidden in vast amounts of boring text. Remember, the recruiter has just 6 seconds to decide whether to shortlist your CV or ignore it.

Place your order for our CV Writing and Linkedin Profile Optimization Service now.

10 reasons why is the best CV writing service in Zimbabwe

  1. Strategic and Optimized Sequence: We follow a strategic sequence in writing your CV to ensure optimal results. Starting with a well-researched and articulated career summary that answers the crucial questions of “Tell us about yourself” and “Why should we hire you,” we captivate recruiters from the beginning. By the time they finish reading your career summary, they will be convinced to shortlist you for an interview.
  2. Compelling Career Summaries: Our CVs feature well-crafted career summaries that effectively highlight your unique value proposition. We showcase your skills, achievements, and expertise in a concise yet impactful manner. By focusing on your key strengths and accomplishments, we immediately capture the attention of recruiters and pique their interest.
  3. Content Tailored for Success: Our CVs are strategically designed to include content that showcases your unique value and convinces recruiters that you are the exact person they are looking for. We emphasize your experience, skillset and qualifications  in a way that stands out from the competition.
  4. Industry-Specific Research and Tailoring: Before crafting your CV, we conduct thorough research on your preferred jobs or industry of expertise. This enables us to incorporate industry-specific keywords, jargon, action words, and buzzwords throughout your CV. By using language that resonates with recruiters, we not only impress them but also make you stand out among other candidates.
  5. ATS-Optimized CVs: We understand the importance of ATS (Applicant Tracking System) compatibility. Our CVs are meticulously crafted to be ATS-friendly, increasing your chances of being shortlisted. With most recruiters and hiring managers in Zimbabwe using ATS, our optimized CVs give you an edge.
  6. Attention to Detail and Professionalism: We pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail and professionalism. Our CV writing service ensures that every aspect of your CV, from formatting to grammar to content organization, is flawless. We understand that even the smallest oversight can make a difference, and we strive for excellence in every aspect of your CV.
  7. Increased Interview-Invitation Rate: Traditional CVs typically have an interview-invitation ratio of about 5%. However, with our professionally-written, ATS-friendly CVs that heavily market your skillset and major achievements, the average interview-invitation rate is about 20%. This means your chances of being shortlisted for an interview increase by 4 times compared to standard CVs.
  8. Results-Driven Approach: We focus on showcasing your accomplishments and results in previous roles. By highlighting your track record of success, we demonstrate your potential value to future employers.
  9. Vast Experience in Recruitment Consultancy: With our extensive background in recruitment consultancy, we possess valuable insights into what makes a CV stand out. We understand what recruiters and hiring managers look for when reviewing CVs. Drawing on this expertise, we ensure that your CV increases your chances of being shortlisted for an interview by up to 4 times compared to our competitors’ CVs.
  10. Extensive Industry Experience: Our team of CV writers has extensive experience across various industries, including transport and logistics, construction and engineering, marketing and public relations, information and technology, tourism and hospitality, and finance and administration. We tailor our approach to your specific industry and job requirements, ensuring your CV stands out to hiring managers in Zimbabwe.

Place your order for our CV Writing and Linkedin Profile Optimization Service now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A professional CV writing service is a specialized service that helps individuals create or improve their CV (curriculum vitae) to effectively showcase their skills, qualifications, and experience. It involves expert assistance in crafting a tailored and impactful CV that increases the chances of getting noticed by recruiters and employers.

Our professional CV writing service will greatly enhance your chances of landing job interviews. Our expert CV writers have the knowledge and experience to create a compelling CV that highlights your skills, achievements, and qualifications, increasing your visibility to potential employers.

For our professional CV writing service to be successful, one of our CV writers will gather information about your work experience, skills, and career goals from you directly (over the phone or via email) and from your current CV. Based on this information, the writer will craft a customized CV that effectively showcases your strengths and aligns with your target job market.

Our professionally-written CVs are created by experienced writers who understand the nuances of CV formatting, keyword optimization, and tailoring the content to specific industries and job roles. We know how to present your qualifications in a way that stands out to employers and effectively communicates your value.

The timeframe for receiving your professionally-written CV is usually 48 hours after we have received your payment, however, in rare cases it may vary depending on your specific requirements or other factors beyond our control, but in almost all the cases you will get the first draft of your CV within the first 48 hours.

Yes, our professional CV writing service offers a collaborative approach. You can provide input, share additional information, and request revisions to ensure that your CV accurately reflects your qualifications and meets your expectations.

Yes, you will receive both a PDF version and an editable MS Word version of your professionally-written CV. This allows you to make future updates or modifications as needed.

Our professional CV writers have expertise in crafting CVs that are tailored to specific industries and job roles. We know how to highlight your unique skills, experiences, and achievements, making your CV stand out and increasing your chances of getting noticed by employers.

No, our professional CV writing service caters to individuals across various industries and job levels. Whether you are a recent graduate, mid-level professional, or executive, our CV writing service will meet your specific needs.

While our professional CV writing service will significantly improve your chances of getting noticed by employers, we cannot guarantee job offers. Ultimately, the decision to hire a candidate depends on various factors, including the job market, specific job requirements, and the candidate’s overall qualifications and fit for the role. A professional CV writing service enhances your chances, but success partly relies on your skills, experience, and performance during the application and interview process.

The cost of a professional CV writing service varied depending on your career level. For school leavers and those with less than 2 years of experience, the price is US$20. For those with 2 or more years of experience, the price is US$30.

The prices differ based on the level of research and work involved in writing CVs and cover letters for different positions. Non-managerial positions usually require less research and have shorter CVs, while senior management or directorship positions require more extensive research and longer CVs. Thus, the prices reflect the varying levels of effort required.

LinkedIn profile optimization is a service that focuses on improving and enhancing your LinkedIn profile to make it more appealing, professional, and engaging to potential employers and recruiters. It involves optimizing various elements of your profile, such as the headline, summary, work experience, skills, and endorsements, to highlight your expertise and attract attention from relevant professionals in your industry.

LinkedIn profile optimization can provide several benefits for your professional career. By optimizing your profile, you increase your visibility and chances of being discovered by recruiters and employers searching for candidates with your skills and qualifications. A well-optimized profile also helps you establish credibility and build a strong professional network. Additionally, it enhances your personal brand and showcases your expertise and achievements, making you more attractive to potential employers and business connections.

Our LinkedIn profile optimization service includes a comprehensive review and enhancement of your profile. We analyze your existing profile and make strategic recommendations to improve its effectiveness. Our experts optimize key sections such as the headline, summary, work experience, skills, and endorsements to ensure they accurately represent your professional brand. We also provide guidance on leveraging LinkedIn’s features and functionalities to maximize your networking and job search efforts. The service costs $10 and is designed to enhance your online presence and increase your chances of professional success.

The LinkedIn professional article posting service is a value-added feature that allows you to showcase your expertise and knowledge in your area of profession or industry. We create and publish 12 articles on your behalf, which are related to your specific field of expertise. These articles are scheduled to be published on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 am, with one article per day. Before scheduling, you have the opportunity to review and approve the articles or request any necessary changes. This service costs $5 and helps position you as a thought leader in your industry, attracting attention and engagement from your professional network.

The LinkedIn professional article posting service offers several benefits for your professional brand. By consistently sharing high-quality articles related to your area of expertise, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and authoritative figure in your industry. This helps to build your personal brand, attract followers, and increase your visibility among potential employers, clients, and industry peers. Regularly posting articles also boosts engagement and interaction with your network, leading to meaningful conversations, networking opportunities, and potential career advancement.

Yes, absolutely! We value your input and want to ensure that the articles align with your professional voice and preferences. Before scheduling the articles, we provide you with the opportunity to review and approve them. You can suggest any changes or revisions, and our team will work closely with you to incorporate your feedback and make the necessary adjustments. Our goal is to deliver articles that accurately represent your expertise and resonate with your target audience.